ECSO elects Chairperson, Vice Chairs and welcomes 7 new Members into our growing European Cybersecurity Community

Board of Directors

PRESS RELEASE – ECSO elects Chairperson, Vice Chairs and welcomes 7 new Members into our growing European Cybersecurity Community

Brussels, December 9, 2020

The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) held its Board of Directors meeting digitally on 9th December 2020. Directors were invited to elect their Chairperson as well as six Vice Chairs each representing an ECSO Members category for a 1-year mandate.

We would like to congratulate Mr. Philippe Vannier, Vice President Big Data & Security Solutions at ATOS on his re-election as Chairman of our Board of Directors. His commitment and unwavering support towards ECSO have been significant since the beginning of our Public Private Partnership.

Also, the following Directors have been re-elected Vice Chairs of ECSO:

  • Guillaume Poupard, Director General of ANSSI elected as Vice Chair representing National Public Administrations;
  • Charlotte Graire, Senior Manager – Business Development and Partnerships at Airbus Cybersecurity was elected Vice Chair representing large companies;
  • Mark Miller, Founder and CEO at Conceptivity was elected Vice Chair representing SMEs,
  • Fabio Martinelli, Senior Researcher at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche was elected Vice Chair representing RTOs and Universities;
  • Giorgio Cusmà Lorenzo, Group Senior Director – Cybersecurity, Business continuity Strategy and Group Governance at Intesa San Paolo was elected Vice Chair representing Users and Operators of essential services;
  • Gerd Müller, Member of the Board at eurobits was elected Vice Chair representing Associations.

Their role remains essential in fostering our collaboration with the community of stakeholders they each represent.

During the meeting, the ECSO Board of Directors officially approved the candidacies of seven new Members as follows:

We are proud to welcome them and we are ready to provide them access to all our activities including networking/business opportunities, visibility of their offers on the European Cybersecurity Market and a place of public-private collaboration.

As of today, ECSO unites over 265 organisations from 29 countries. Including 23 Member associations, ECSO gathers a community of more than 2000 entities. Since its establishment in June 2016 with 132 Members, ECSO has more than doubled in membership terms and continues to grow in size and importance. Through the activities of its working groups and ad-hoc tasks forces, ECSO is providing instrumental support to the European cybersecurity community during the critical period of the Coronavirus pandemic. The organisation is poised to support the European recovery in 2021 and beyond.

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