ECSO and its Members lay out the priorities for more strategic investments and a unified European cybersecurity ecosystem

Outlining the priorities for strategic investments and a unified European in cybersecurity

How can we generate and keep cybersecurity jobs in Europe and achieve European data sovereignty? These are just two of the questions discussed by ECSO Members AtosClavistersecunet Security Networks AG and by the Basque Cybersecurity Centre at the it-sa Expo & Congress, which took place in Nuremberg on 12 October. Representing the public, private sectors, as well as SMEs, ECSO’s panel provided a 360-degree overview on the status of cybersecurity in Europe and beyond.

“Europe needs to be more ambitious”. This statement by ECSO Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi was well received by attendees of the panel on “The role of strategic investors in developing and strengthening the entire European cybersecurity ecosystem to attract investments and retain talents in Europe” at the it-sa event.

Ambition on investments was the first topic discussed at the panel. “Countries like the US and Israel are massively investing in cybersecurity. Europe should be more ambitious and invest strategically, especially if we want to create more jobs linked to cybersecurity and retain knowledge, know-how and competences, which are one of Europe’s strengths when it comes to high-tech”, said Mr. Rebuffi.

But, as panelists underlined, “money is not everything”. The lack of consolidation was another aspect which proved to negatively impact all sectors. It is clear for all players that scaling up is a common issue when it comes to the current market, infrastructure and regulation fragmentation in Europe, which has consequences on trust from investors. “Currently, there is not a European vision on IT security which is defining objectives and clearly driving use of resources,. This generates lack of trust in cybersecurity investors”, reported Mr. Rebuffi. The panel also highlighted how current regulations on the testing and purchase of new technologies are slowing down the market entry of cybersecurity products and services compared to countries such as China and the US, and how connecting with different ecosystems is one of the only ways to overcome such fragmentation in Europe.

“ECSO is in the right position to lead the journey towards a more unified European market and policy. As a European association gathering 275 Members, we are well aware of everyone’s needs and have the expertise and commitment to work towards a more unified European ecosystem for cybersecurity”, concluded Mr. Rebuffi.

ECSO is involved in six different working groups and numerous activities to promote cybersecurity at 360 degrees. Find out more at this link

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