ECSM 2021 – Executive Vice-President Vestager speaks about cybersecurity

ECSM 2021 – Executive Vice-President Vestager speaks about cybersecurity

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for “A Europe Fit for the Digital Age” and Competition, answers a few questions about cybersecurity to support the European Cyber Security Month campaign.

The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is the EU’s annual cybersecurity awareness campaign that takes place each October across Europe. The aim is to raise awareness of cybersecurity threats and promote cyber hygiene among citizens and organisations through education and sharing of good practices.

Executive Vice-President Vestager actively supports the campaign to promote the safer use of the internet for end-users and the practice of basic cyber hygiene in the EU.

This year, there are two main topics of the campaign: Cyber first aid and Be cyber secure from home. 

Source and phot credits: ENISA

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