An image of a city at night.

Discover the European Commission’s digital transformation

The European Commission’s Digital Strategy sets ambitious targets. It builds on the European Commission’s accelerated digital transformation and supports the delivery of the EU’s strategic priorities by 2030. This strategy sets up the framework for continuous digital transformation. It promotes a vision of a Digital Commission that engages and connects people, data, processes and technology. 

During COVID, the European Commission’s digital transformation has accelerated and broadened in scope: from digital skills to digital culture; from using technology as support to our daily work to embedding digital elements in policymaking; from providing ad-hoc solutions to designing and implementing a future-proof and coherent digital landscape.

Five key objectives:

  • Foster a digital culture
  • Enable digital-ready EU policymaking
  • Empower business driven digital transformation
  • Ensure a seamless digital landscape
  • Sustain a green, secure, and resilient infrastructure

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Source: European Commission

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