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Discover EU’s new report on the cybersecurity of 5G networks

EU publishes report on the security of Open RAN

On 11th May 2022, EU Member States, with the support of the European Commission, ENISA, and the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, published a report on the cybersecurity of Open RAN. This new type of 5G network architecture will in the coming years provide an alternative way of deploying the radio access part of 5G networks based on open interfaces. This marks another major step in the coordinated work at EU level on the cybersecurity of 5G networks, demonstrating a strong determination to continue to jointly respond to the security challenges of 5G networks and to keep abreast of developments in the 5G technology and architecture.

EU citizens and companies using advanced and innovative applications enabled by 5G and future generations of mobile communication networks should benefit from the highest security standard. Following up on the coordinated work already done at EU level to strengthen the security of 5G networks with the EU Toolbox on 5G Cybersecurity, Member States have now analysed the security implications of Open RAN.

Overall, the report recommends a cautious approach to moving towards this new architecture. Any transition from and coexistence with existing, reliable technologies should be done by allowing sufficient time and resources to assess risks in advance, implement appropriate mitigations and clearly define responsibilities in case of failure or incident.

Read the report and find out more here.

Source: European Commission

Photo credits: Christian Lue, Unsplash

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