European Digital Innovation Hub
An ECSO Initiative
A community of European Hubs who cooperate, share knowledge and support each other for a stronger European digital ecosystem.
What is a European Digital Innovation Hub?
A EDIH is a single entity or a coordinated group of entities with complementary expertise and a non-for-profit objective to support at large scale, the digital transformation of SMEs and small mid-caps, as well as public administrations. A EDIH can perform:
- Testing before investing
- Training and skills development
- Support to find investments
- Networking
- Access to innovation ecosystems
Why join the European Digital Innovation Hub?
Whether you are an EDIH specialised in cybersecurity or not, this open, non-binding and knowledgeable community will provide you with a wealth of opportunities in the world of digital transformation:
EDIHs specialised in cybersecurity
- Gain visibility at a European level
- Support the achievements of the EDIH’s objectives
- Stay informed about good practices, expertise and knowledge from other EDIHs
- Create partnerships and collaborations for the provision of services
EDIH non-specialised in cybersecurity
- Improve the EDIH’s cybersecurity expertise
- Access to a network of cybersecurity and European experts
- Exchange services from different digital fields
SME, start-up, scale-up, public administration or other
- Gain quick access to cybersecurity and European experts
- Scale easily in Europe
Additional cybersecurity resources for regional entities
Interreg Europe CYBER: is a 5-years long interregional cooperation project, based on the exchange of good practices among 7 European regions from different EU Member States and aiming to boost the competitiveness of cybersecurity SMEs by developing and implementing efficient policy actions.
Interreg Europe CYBER
Is a 5-years long interregional cooperation project, based on the exchange of good practices among 7 European regions from different EU Member States and aiming to boost the competitiveness of cybersecurity SMEs by developing and implementing efficient policy actions.
Smart specialisation platrofm
Also known as “Cyber Valleys program” is the integrated acceleration program offering scale-ups the support they need to grow faster. It brings together the key players of the quadruple helix including corporates, investors, academics, and innovators to leverage on regional strengths, maximisze the commercial potential of great cyber solutions, minimisze the barriers to scale and increase speed to market.
Cyber Smart Regions mapping exercise
A joint tool designed and implemented to visualise and analyse the cybersecurity value chain and to map the existing regional ecosystems within the five regions: Brittany, Castilla y Leon, Luxembourg, North-Rhine Westphalia, Estonia. There are currently 520 companies and over 1500 products and services.